Self-presentation and Psychological Well-being Among Linkedln Users in Indonesia
Linkedln users are related to self-presentation but apparently doing self-presentation can affect psychological well-being. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-presentation and psychological well-being among Linkedln Users in Indonesia. The subjects in this study were 206 Linkedln users aged minimum 16 years using Linkedln at least for an hour per week. This research uses quantitative methods and sampling was done using purposive sampling. The Psychological Well- Being 42 Item scale was translated and adapted. The Self-Presentation on Facebook Questionnaire (SPFBQ) with 17 items was also translated and evaluated which then modified the social networking site. The results of the hypothesis test indicate that the hypothesis is accepted with a value of P = 0.000 (<0.005) and r = 0.338 which indicates there is a significant positive correlation between self-presentation in the form of real self and psychological well-being, the more often individuals do self-presentation in the form of real self, the higher the psychological well-being condition of the Linkedln user.
Keywords: Linkedln users in Indonesia, psychological well-being, self-presentation
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