Sociodemographic Factors and Stress Levels Among Health Workers in Malang During Covid-19 Pandemic
Many health agencies and medical personnel are overwhelmed with handling COVID- 19 patients. Not even a few health workers are victims. In carrying out their duties in the field, health workers experience anxiety and stress about their work. Variations in different socio-demographic factors of health workers may be determinants of different psychosocial risks. Therefore, this study aims to determine the socio-demographic factors that can predict stress on health workers in Malang through quantitative research with a comparative design. The participants in this study were 102 health workers selected using a cluster sampling technique. The study used the depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS) instrument and a descriptive questionnaire for socio-demographic data. Data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. Variations in the concentration of socio-demographic factors have no role in the stress level of health workers.
Keywords: health workers, sociodemographic, stress
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