Big Five Personality and Consumer Trust: The Impact on Consumer Loyalty
The growth of e-commerce platforms in Indonesia has led to a significant surge, intensifying market rivalry and pushing companies to prioritize establishing customer loyalty. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the big five personality traits and customer trust on customer loyalty. The present study employed a quantitative methodology, utilizing a correlational research design. The researchers employed purposive sampling to conduct the sampling process. It comprised 145 customers who had engaged in several transactions on online retail platforms and employed the IPIP-BFM-25 scale, Customer Trust Scale, and Customer Loyalty Scale as research instruments. The data collected from online questionnaires was further analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques. Extraversion, agreeableness, and openness—three essential characteristics from the Big Five personality model—are shown to have an impact on customer loyalty in the current study. On the contrary, conscientiousness and neuroticism do not influence customer loyalty. Additionally, this study demonstrates a significant positive relationship between customer trust and loyalty. The findings of this study can be used by companies to formulate effective strategies to sustain client loyalty.
Keywords: big five personality, customer loyalty, customer trust, online store, personality
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