Secure Information in Cloud Storage Using Hierarchical-authority Attribute-Based Encryption (HABE): A Literature Review


  • Arief Arfriandi Doctoral Program of Information System, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Diponegoro, 50275, Central Java, Indonesia
  • Rahmat Gernowo Doctoral Program of Information System, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Diponegoro, 50275, Central Java, Indonesia
  • R Rizal Isnanto Doctoral Program of Information System, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Diponegoro, 50275, Central Java, Indonesia



Access control using hierarchical-authority attribute-based encryption (HABE) in securing information in cloud storage is one of the security methods that work to maintain information privacy through the management of access rights to encrypted information, thus preventing unauthorized users and systems from accessing stored information without permission. In this paper, we further explore one scheme that is a part of attribute-based encryption (ABE) for the process of securing data or information stored in cloud storage, namely HABE, which is a development of the ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption. Furthermore, this paper summarizes the advantages and weaknesses of HABE in securing information storage in the cloud and the direction of future research or HABE research trends. The method proposed in this paper is to explore the progress of research that has been done, and to classify access structures consisting of monotomic and non-monotomical, multi-authority schemes. Then it will also define functionality as well as performance on the cost of computing to know the advantages and disadvantages of each HABE when applied to the process of storing data or information in cloud storage. In its development, HABE, compared to Cypher Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CPABE), has different characteristics. HABE provides full delegation and support for services on a larger scale, whereas CPABE, with its access structure, can define messages with better performance. With these results, it is expected that research related to HABE will be more focused on the development of HABE, as it is more appropriate to support the management of information security on a large scale.

Keywords: information security, CPABE, HABE, cloud storage


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How to Cite

Arfriandi, A. ., Gernowo, R. ., & Rizal Isnanto, R. . (2024). Secure Information in Cloud Storage Using Hierarchical-authority Attribute-Based Encryption (HABE): A Literature Review. KnE Social Sciences, 9(6), 335–345.