Sentiment Analysis on the Quality of Public Services with User Satisfaction Prediction of YuhSinau Application Managed by BKPSDM Kabupaten Kebumen Using LSTM Method
The quality of public services is critical in providing effective and responsive governance in an increasingly digital society. The development of the YuhSinau application by the Personnel and Human Resource Development Agency (BKPSDM) of Kebumen Regency offers an innovative response to the growing need for e-learning solutions for local government civil servants (Pegawai Negeri Sipil or PNS). However, determining the app’s effectiveness and user satisfaction is critical. This demands a thorough sentiment analysis in order to acquire insights into users’ thoughts and opinions about the quality of public services supplied by YuhSinau. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) approach is used in this article to examine feelings and forecast customer pleasure. Data collection from multiple sources, initial data preprocessing, LSTM model construction, training, validation, and prediction are all part of the process. The results show that the model has some drawbacks, most notably its failure to appropriately explain variation in target data due to a negative R-squared value. Enhancements to the LSTM architecture, hyperparameter adjustment, and the use of more diverse and representative training data are proposed to improve the model. Continuous review and responsiveness to user comments are critical for improving the quality of public services via the YuhSinau application.
Keywords: sentiment analysis, public service quality, user satisfaction, YuhSinau application,LSTM method
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