Development of An Agribusiness Textbook on Raising Giant Prawns (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii) in Environmentally Friendly Biofloc-Aquaponics Ponds''
The agribusiness textbook on “rearing giant prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in environmentally friendly biofloc-aquaponics Ponds” was prepared as a result of research and has been published to help increase students’ understanding of agribusiness courses in the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education and Information Technology (FPMIPATI), PGRI University Semarang. The research method used is R and D. The design of the textbook that was developed aims to attract students’ attention in learning, making it easier for lecturers to master the teaching and learning process. Therefore, valid teaching materials are needed. The results of the research show that validation by validators resulted in the validation of teaching material media of 97.5% and validation of teaching material of 96.67% so it was declared in the very good category and suitable for use in learning. This textbook can make it easier for students to understand Agribusiness material, especially about raising giant prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in environmentally friendly biofloc-aquaponics ponds. Furthermore, the publication of this book is also hoped to motivate lecturers to continue writing according to their respective expertise to add to the scientific knowledge at PGRI University Semarang.
Keywords: textbook, agribusiness, biofloc-aquaponics
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