Public Policy in Responding to Challenges the Role of Regional Goverment in Indonesia: A Literature Study
The “Internet of things” phenomenon in Industrial Revolution 4.0 provides great opportunities that support and facilitate collaboration. However, to achieve effective collaboration, there are many challenges that the government must anticipate. This descriptive literature study summarizes the results of studies related to the public policy process in local governments that are expected to answer the challenges of bureaucratic reform toward Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Indonesia. This paper uses a descriptive literature study on secondary data for 2016-2023. The results of this descriptive literature study found two subdiscussions which include, bureaucratic reform inconsistency and adaptation to various crisis dynamics. Inconsistency in bureaucratic reform can occur due to a lack of commitment and competence, the professional expertise capacity of bureaucrats, and the emergence of competition between bureaucracy and other actors. In adapting to various crisis dynamics, the ineffectiveness of implementing a public policy appears, so that more proactive activities are needed to mobilize public aspirations, openness to management system approaches, and relevant technological developments as one of the solutions. This paper is expected to provide information and input for regional stakeholders in formulating public policies.
Keywords: public policy, local government, bureaucratic reform
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