Smart Strategies for Managing Regional Assets: Best Practices in Increase Local Revenue


  • Yanti Aneta Public Administration, FIS UNG
  • Iwan Lakoro Public Administration, FIS UNG
  • Asna Aneta Public Administration postgraduate, FIS UNG
  • Haedar Akib Public Administration, FIS UNM
  • Abdul Wahab Podungge Public Administration, FISIPOL UG



This study aims to analyze the optimization of asset management consisting of the process of planning, implementing, and supervising regional property. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological orientation. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using interactive models. The results showed weaknesses in the stages of planning, implementation, and supervision of assets. Therefore, the strategy to increase regional original revenue (PAD) through the optimization of regional property (BMD), the Gorontalo Provincial Government can take a series of innovation-oriented actions including: 1) A comprehensive asset audit of all assets owned including land, buildings, facilities, and inventory. This audit should include an assessment of the value, condition, and potential reuse. 2) Development of an asset management plan. 3) Involving private parties and communities to identify opportunities for cooperation in asset management. 4) Utilization of software technology to help monitor inventory, maintenance, and sustainability of assets. 5) Data-driven asset management by identifying new trends, market needs, and revenue potential to aid smarter decision-making processes related to asset utilization. 6) Promotion and marketing of assets that can be carried out by regional apparatus organizations (OPD) if they have facilities that can be leased or used commercially to help increase revenue. 7) Improved policies and regulations including procedures for leasing, maintaining, and reusing assets, as clear and flexible policies can support innovation and better asset utilization. The weakness in this study is mainly localisation, which is related to areas that predominantly prioritize local cultural values as the main foundation in their interaction with the surrounding environment. This is due to limitations in consideration of cultural variations that may exist outside the scope of those regions in this study. Therefore, the results of this study require careful consideration when applied in areas that have different cultural diversity or backgrounds.

Keywords: goverment entities, asymmetric behavior, stabilization


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How to Cite

Aneta, Y. ., Lakoro, I. ., Aneta, A. ., Akib, H. ., & Podungge, A. W. . (2024). Smart Strategies for Managing Regional Assets: Best Practices in Increase Local Revenue. KnE Social Sciences, 9(7), 103–120.