Governance Analysis in Driving Smart City Policy in Aceh
This study wants to analyze the implementation of smart city which is a concept of city development based on technology. The smart city concept consists of several aspects including smart governance, smart society, smart living, smart economy, smart environment, and smart branding. Aceh is one of the Indonesian provinces that initiated the smart city concept for the development of each regency/city. The research aims to analyze governance in encouraging smart city policies in Aceh. This research method uses a mixed method approach, which is a combination of quantitative approaches used to see facts that occur based on government system data that has been carried out; and qualitative method in building a narrative on the Aceh governance system based on smart city indicators which is on target or not. The results of this study show that there are several regencies/cities in Aceh that have implemented smart city-based governance. One of which is Banda Aceh City. This study recommends that the Government of Aceh should further socialize smart city-based governance so that the government of each regency/city in Aceh implements smart city governance to actualize a prosperous, harmonious, and simpler bureaucratic society.
Keywords: smart city, governance, government
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