Assessing Public Service Quality in Emerging Autonomous Regions: A Case Study of Basic Education Services in Central Mamuju Regency
There is a limited amount of research being undertaken on emerging autonomous areas, particularly in the evaluation of local governments capabilities in meeting the demands of autonomy, especially concerning the enhancement of public service delivery. This study seeks to address the existing research gap by evaluating the quality of public services provided by the newly established autonomous region administration, with a specific focus on the basic education sector. This study focuses on the Central Mamuju Regency, a recently established autonomous unit within the West Sulawesi Province. The researcher employed a mixed method approach in their study. Data gathering for quantitative approaches typically involves the administration of surveys, whereas qualitative data is often gathered through Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The survey was administered to a sample of basic education service providers, comprising 116 elementary schools and 37 secondary schools, resulting in a total of 153 participants. The primary objective of this study is to examine the minimal service standards on four key components, specifically facilities and infrastructure, educators and education personnel, curriculum, and education quality assurance. Data analysis methods employ statistical techniques to describe and analyze quantitative data, while utilizing interpretive approaches to analyze qualitative data. The findings of the study indicate that the newly established autonomous government faces challenges in enhancing the provision of basic education services, mostly owing to constraints in infrastructure. Another factor that adds to the deficiency in quality is the insufficient quantity of teachers who possess proper certification as educators.
Keywords: public service, service standard, local government, new autonomy area
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