Dynamic Governance and Creative Industrial Resilience Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
This study aims to explain the dynamic governance and resilience of the creative industry after the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus of this research includes an analysis of changes in the culture of government organizations in implementing dynamic governance after the Covid-19 pandemic and an evaluation of the ability of government organizations to implement creative industry resilience after the Covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative approach and a type of phenomenology form the basis of this research by prioritizing a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of dynamic governance and economic resilience. The results of the study reveal that dynamic governance has succeeded in effectively implementing the principles of good governance, which has an impact on the formation of policies that are in line with development needs and strengthening the resilience of creative industries. In the decision-making process, the application of good governance provides a basis that considers various interests of actors with a large portion of attention to the society’s welfare. Even though the creative industries experienced economic instability during this period, it is clear that sound economic policies have a vital role to play in reducing risks and ensuring a speedy recovery.
Keywords: dynamic governance, resilience, creative industry
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