Constructing Mathematical Literacy-Items with Corona Virus Disease as a Context


  • Fitri Anisa Kusumastuti Departement of Mathematic Education, Tangerang Raya University, Kompleks Sudirman Indah blok E, Tangerang, Banten 15720, Indonesia
  • Muh. Khaedir Lutfi Departement of Mathematic Education, Tangerang Raya University, Kompleks Sudirman Indah blok E, Tangerang, Banten 15720, Indonesia
  • Ignatius Joko Dewanto Departement of Mathematic Education, Tangerang Raya University, Kompleks Sudirman Indah blok E, Tangerang, Banten 15720, Indonesia
  • Aeni Rohmawati Departement of Mathematic Education, Tangerang Raya University, Kompleks Sudirman Indah blok E, Tangerang, Banten 15720, Indonesia



This research aims to produce a set of mathematical literacy items with Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) as a context that is valid to assess students’ mathematical literacy. The steps used in this study consist of analyzing, designing, theoretical validation, revising, limited testing to students, and evaluating. Written tests were conducted to collect 46 seventh-grade students in junior high school data. Mathematical literacy items consist of three items with three indicators and competency clusters. The indicators are formulating, employing, and interpreting mathematics. The results show that (1) the mathematical literacy items that are produced have been valid and practical, (2) have fair and good item discrimination, and (3) have easy, medium, and hard item difficulty, so they can be utilized to evaluate mathematical literacy ability.

Keywords: mathematical literacy, indicators, competency clusters


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How to Cite

Anisa Kusumastuti, F. ., Khaedir Lutfi, M. ., Joko Dewanto, I. ., & Rohmawati, A. (2024). Constructing Mathematical Literacy-Items with Corona Virus Disease as a Context. KnE Social Sciences, 9(8), 1–8.