Implementation of an Online Programming Software to Explore the Computational Thinking Ability of Biological Education Students
This study aimed to explore the Computational Thinking (CT) ability of biology education students in artificial intelligence courses through programming, an online programming software. Students were required to solve problems systematically and design systems with coding for beginners. The research method used a qualitative approach because it was based on observational data from computational media produced in accordance with artificial intelligence learning for education and based on CT indicators. The subjects of this study were 73 students of the Biology Education Study Program in 2021. How students responded to using the platform was captured through a questionnaire distributed via a Google form. The results showed that students could follow each stage of educational game projects through the platform to practice computational thinking skills in accordance with the success of the stages of doing simple projects through good, systematic and problem-solving coding. Student responses to the platform as an online program tool that can hone computational thinking can provide creativity and enthusiasm for student learning. As evidenced by the questionnaire results, 63.3% of students strongly agree that this increases creativity.
Keywords: online programming, computational thinking, biological education, students
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