The Urgency of Implementing Collaborative Governance in New Housing in Palangkaraya City
This research aims to investigate the urgency of implementing collaborative governance in fulfilling the obligation to hand over public and social facilities by developers to the Palangka Raya City government. The problem focuses on the rapid development of new housing developments in the city of Palangka Raya, resulting in residential growth in various areas. Housing developments built by developers are required to fulfill advice, infrastructure, and utilities as basic needs in a residential environment. Meanwhile, many new housing developments still do not provide public and social facilities as expected. Meanwhile, every developer must provide land and hand it over to the Palangka Raya City government. The approach taken by researchers uses collaborative governance according to the Ansell and Gash model which pays attention to 4 variables, namely 1) initial conditions, 2) institutional design, 3) leadership, 4) collaboration process. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation studies and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that the collaborative governance that is taking place is not yet in harmony due to the absence of regional regulations or regulations issued by the Regional Government. And, it was found that housing developers exceed needs and there is no adequate provision of public and social facilities.
Keywords: collaborative, governance, development, settlement
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