Analyzing Practicum Reports Made Using Posters for an Animal Structure Course
During the pandemic, teachers adopted assisted learning methods with apps like Canva to produce eye-catching, poster-like practical work reports. The purpose of this study was to analyze the poster practicum report for an animal structure course. In analyzing this lab report, the important points in the assessment were identity, assessment of hand-drawn elements, discussion, abnormalities in related tissues, questions and answers, and supporting bibliography. This study contains the analysis of practicum reports by tabulating the data, grouping them according to the assessment criteria, and describing the data. In the first practicum class, the average value of the poster practicum report was 80.3. In the second practicum class, the average was 83.09, and in the last class, it was 75.13. Based on the average value of this poster practicum report, it can be concluded that the laboratory report for the connective tissue of the animal structure sub-chapter reaches good and very good criteria based on the listed criteria.
Keywords: analyzing, practicum, reports, posters, animal structure, course
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