Practicing Critical Thinking Skills Through an Android Game on the Human Reproductive System
This study aimed to aid in practicing critical thinking skills through an android game about the human reproductive system. A descriptive method was used in this study, in which students did their own exploration using the Android game named Human Reproductive System and Sex Education (HUPROSED). Six indicators of critical thinking skills based on Facione’s work were analyzed. The six indicators were interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, and explanation. Forty six students were chosen to review the game by purposive sampling. This research’s critical thinking skills were included in the quiz question in line with HOTS (High order thinking skills) about the human reproductive system, such as the menstruation cycle, sexually transmitted diseases, sperm, the concept of twins, and HIV, which usually have cognitive skills above C4 (applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating). In the game, students answered the quiz. Five test items based on critical thinking were used to exercise students’ critical thinking skills. The test got a score of 65 on average. Therefore, this research demonstrated how the android game “HUPROSED” may be used to teach students about the human reproductive system and sex education while also allowing students to practice critical thinking, although it still needs to be developed.
Keywords: critical thinking skills, android game, human reproductive system
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