Developing a Problem-Solving Focused Presentation That Includes Student Worksheets and Video Segments
This research and development aimed to create a PowerPoint (PPT) prototype that incorporates video segments to prove targeted hypotheses. Development of the product followed a modified Luther’s model with six stages: the concept of PPT actively engaging students through problem-based learning, designing student active learning via a worksheet-based PPT, especially with inductive reasoning, collecting materials, PPT assembly supported by hypothesis proving videos with about a five-minute duration, product testing, and the distributing product for online learning. This research and development successfully developed the desired PPT prototype (in the Indonesian language) with three PPT unit samples created on the topics of chemical learning of acid and base solutions. The PPT prototype followed the worksheet structure. It begins with listing background information, obtained from short introduction paragraphs, then questioning to arrive at the investigative questions, formulating hypotheses, designing proving hypotheses, collecting data, data analysis, and confirming the claimed hypothesis validity. The prototype had very good validity for most concerned learning aspects, according to content and media experts. It was also supported by appreciation from a chemistry teacher. Good product readability was implied from the completed worksheets done by secondary school student samples who had low, average, and good levels of prerequisite knowledge related to the scientific conceptions being taught.
Keywords: power point, problem-based learning, video segments
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