Performance Evaluation of New Local Institutions: Case study on Kemantren in Yogyakarta City
This study evaluates the institutional performance of Kemantren in Yogyakarta City. Changing the nomenclature of the subdistrict to Kemantren as a new local institution in Yogyakarta has some implications. This condition requires the development of a performance evaluation tool for Kemantren, which has yet to be available. A qualitative analysis was conducted to evaluate the performance of Kemantren as a new local institution. Primary data were obtained via in-depth interviews and FGDs, while secondary data were derived from official government documents. The study evaluated the performance of Kemantren by adjusting two Regulations of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform to assess the performance of policies and public services, namely (a) The Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 88 of 2021 concerning Evaluation of Accountability for the Performance of Government Agencies and (b) The Regulation of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Performance Assessment of Public Service Delivery Units. The assessment results show a significant impact from changing the nomenclature of subdistricts to Kemantren as a new local institution in the form of special funds. Although the Kemantren program has been funded through special funds from the Yogyakarta Special Region, the policy process starting from policy formulation, implementation, and policy reporting has no difference. In public service performance, Kemantren has done well, although it has not changed much after the change in the nomenclature.
Keywords: institutional Assessment, local institution, Kemantren, Yogyakarta
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