Maladministration and Corrupt Behavior: Indonesia's Bureaucracy Reforms Perspective
Maladministration is a form of bad governance that can lead to corruption, however, there are exceptions to this. Although the grand design of reform has been underway for more than 10 years, anti-corruption behavior in the bureaucracy has remained the same, even made worse by looking at the maladministration perception index. This article presents a qualitative descriptive method to understand the relationship between maladministration and corrupt behavior using corruption case study, articles, and reports on implementing bureaucratic reform and other relevant reports. Much literature states that corrupt behavior is closely related to authority and incompetence. It is included in the public sector, which the government must do. The need for strategies to increase transparency and accountability in the bureaucracy is an ongoing challenge in realizing a clean and anti-corruption bureaucracy.
Keywords: maladministration, corruption, bureaucratic reform, public sector
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