Multiple Representations Analysis of Chemical Bonding Concepts in General Chemistry Books
This research aimed to analyze the use of the concept of the three levels of chemical representation in eight general chemistry books. It was qualitative research with an evaluative descriptive design. The concepts analyzed included the concepts of ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. The analysis focused on two main criteria: the use of macroscopic, sub-microscopic, and symbolic levels of representation and the relationship between the three levels. The results of the analysis showed that in the concept of ionic bonding, there were pictures of some salts or reactions for the formation of ionic compounds from their elements at the macroscopic level, explanations at the sub-microscopic level, and models of the arrangement of ions in the ionic crystal lattice for the symbolic level. In the concept of covalent bonds, there were images of gasses or covalent compounds at the macroscopic level, explanations at the sub-microscopic level, and models of electron density shifts at the symbolic level. In the concept of metallic bonds, there were pictures of some metals at the macroscopic level, explanations at the sub-microscopic level, and electron cloud models at the symbolic level. The relationship between the levels of representation was found in five of the eight general chemistry books analyzed. General chemistry books present the relationship between the three levels of representation in images that include energy level diagrams, atomic or ionic arrangement models, reaction equations, and explanations of the molecular level.
Keywords: concept, chemical representation, general chemistry, books
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