A Framework Design for Developing and Validating Virtual Test to Assess Science Process Skills in Chemistry


  • Nurul Amali Department of Chemistry Education, Education University of Indonesia, Dr. Setia Budhi Street, Number 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
  • Nahadi . Department of Chemistry Education, Education University of Indonesia, Dr. Setia Budhi Street, Number 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
  • Harry Firman Department of Chemistry Education, Education University of Indonesia, Dr. Setia Budhi Street, Number 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia




Technological advancements and the demands of the pandemic around the world forced educators to think of solutions in the teaching and learning process so that there were no obstacles in the assessment process. Although the focus of learning assessment in Indonesia focused on literacy and numeracy assessment, the assessment of science process skills is still carried out because the science process skills are the core key to developing children’s knowledge in science, including chemistry. The present assessment process used more online platforms or virtual tests. This study aimed to describe the virtual test design framework that is suitable for assessing science process skills in chemistry. The method used was a literature review. We collected journal articles in accordance with the theme, and then the journal article was reviewed and arranged into several discussion sections. The framework design for developing and validating virtual test had four phases: planning, developing, validating, trial and data processing. Discussions include an overview of virtual tests, assessing the skills of chemical-specific science processes with virtual tests and how the virtual test design framework assesses science process skills on chemistry that qualify on assessment characteristics (validation, reliability, objectivity, and practicality).

Keywords: assessment, virtual test, science process skills


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How to Cite

Amali, N. ., ., N., & Firman, H. . (2024). A Framework Design for Developing and Validating Virtual Test to Assess Science Process Skills in Chemistry. KnE Social Sciences, 9(8), 269–279. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i8.15557