Development of an Electronic Module (E-Module) Chemistry Based on POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) on Reaction Rate Study Materials


  • Sarifatul Zulfah Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
  • Muktiningsih Nurjayadi Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
  • Zulhipri . Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia



The social restrictions that were implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the field of education. There was an adaptation of changes from conventional to distance learning processes. This study aimed to develop a Chemistry Electronic Module (e-Module) based on the POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) approach to the study material of Reaction Rates for 11th grade science students. This module used videos as a stimulus for the student’s learning process in three learning stages: predict, observe, and explain. This Research and Development research inspired by Borg and Gall used descriptive methods for analysis. The instrument used for this study was a questionnaire. The results from the validation test by three material and language experts, as well as media experts, showed that this e-module was classified as well to be very good for a percentage range of 80-90%. The results of the e-module feasibility test for seven high school chemistry teachers, 18 high-school students of class XI IPA, and 40 undergraduate students of Chemistry Education at the State University of Jakarta on the aspects of the developed electronic module were obtained with scores ranging from well to excellent with a percentage range of 81-94%. It can be concluded that the developed electronic module is suitable for use as independent teaching material for students on the material of reaction rates.

Keywords: chemistry electronic module, POE, reaction rates


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How to Cite

Zulfah, S. ., Nurjayadi, M. ., & ., Z. (2024). Development of an Electronic Module (E-Module) Chemistry Based on POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) on Reaction Rate Study Materials. KnE Social Sciences, 9(8), 325–334.