The Amazing Eco-Enzyme: Contextual 3D Pageflip E-Book for Environmental Chemistry Learning
This study uses a Design-Based Research method to describe the stages of production, validation test, and feasibility test of a 3D Pageflip e-book titled The Amazing Eco-Enzyme. Contents of the e-book were presented contextually, discussing the production, characterization, and application of Eco-Enzymes for environmental sustainability and Islamic values. Those topics emphasize the study of pollutants and environmental pollution, biogeochemistry and environmental toxicology. The results of the validation test indicated that the e-book was valid in the range of r 0.85-0.92. It was revised, and then a feasibility test was carried out on ten respondents who were selected through purposive sampling. The feasibility test obtained a percentage of 96.67% on the material aspect, 92.50% on the language aspect, and 95.00% on the appearance aspect. The e-book is very feasible and can easily be accessed on a website as an enrichment book to enhance the learning process of environmental chemistry.
Keywords: pageflip e-book, eco-enzymes, environmental sustainability, islamic values
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