Needs Analysis for the Development of Science e-Modules Assisted with Kvisoft Flipbook Maker on the Basic of Project Based Learning on Heat and Transfer Materials to Improve Creative Thinking Ability in the Pandemic Period
Creative thinking is a high-order thinking skill that is considered to be an important skill to succeed. Creative thinking abilities include fluency in thinking, flexibility of thinking, originality of thinking, and detailed thinking (elaboration). The lack of teaching materials on the topic of heat transfer and the inability to think creatively about the topic negatively affect students. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the need for the development of an e-module using the Flipbook Maker application. The need analysis for the e-module was analyzed in line with creative thinking abilities to support online learning. This study used a qualitative method, with the research subjects being teachers and students of grade VII of Junior High School in Sukoharjo. Data collection techniques employed were questionnaires and interviews, in which the data were then analyzed descriptively. The study revealed that students’ creative thinking abilities were still low on indicators of flexibility and originality. For these reasons, project-based learning (PJBL) is a learning model that can be applied to improve students’ creative thinking abilities. In addition, teachers and students need e-modules to support the online learning process. Thus, this research can be elaborated by developing a natural science e-module assisted by a Flipbook Maker based on PJBL to improve students’ creative thinking abilities.
Keywords: Science e-Modules, Project Based Learning, Creative Thinking Ability
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