Developing Biogas Digital Comic for Improving Renewable Energy Literacy
The use of renewable energy as a substitute for fossil energy must continue to be promoted to achieve sustainability. This study aimed to reveal the development of digital comics on the topic of biogas energy as a learning medium. The method used is research and development with the DDDE model (Decide, Design, Develop, and Evaluate). The results showed that biogas digital comics were very good to be used as learning media. This study recommends the use of comics as a medium of learning on other topics.
Keywords: Biogas Digital Comic, Improving, Renewable Energy Literacy
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[2] Aktar MA, Alam MM, Al-Amin AQ. Global economic crisis, energy use, CO2 emissions, and policy roadmap amid COVID-19. Sustain Prod Consum. 2021 Apr;26:770–81.
[3] Friman H. New trends in the higher education: Renewable energy at the faculty of electrical engineering. Energy Procedia; 115: 18-28.
[4] Ntanos S, Kyriakopoulos G, Chalikias M, Arabatzis G, Skordoulis M. Public perceptions and willingness to pay for renewable energy: A case study from Greece. Sustainability. 2018; 10 (3), 687;
[5] Shrestha B, Tiwari SR, Bajracharya SB, Keitsch MM, Rijal HB. Review on the importance of gender perspective in household energy-saving behavior and energy transition for sustainability. Energies. 2021;14(22):7571.
[6] van der Horst D, Harrison C, Staddon S, Wood G. Improving energy literacy through student-led fieldwork – at home. J Geogr High Educ. 2016;40(1):67–76.
[7] DeWaters J. Improving energy literacy among middle school youth with projectbased learning pedagogies. 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference. Rapid City, SD, USA; 2011.
[8] Brewer RS, Lee GE, Johnson PM. The Kukui cup: A dorm energy competition focused on sustainable behavior change and energy literacy. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2011. 1-10
[9] Rodriguez L, Lin X. The impact of comics on knowledge, attitude and behavioural intentions related to wind energy. J Vis Lit. 2016;35(4):237–52.
[10] Alrizal A, Pathoni H, Rinasari S. Learning work and energy through Aminuddin and Aminullah Comic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021; 1731.
[11] Fatimah AS, Santiana S, Saputra Y. Digital comic: an innovation of using toondoo as media technology for teaching English short story. English Review: Journal of English Education. 2019;7(2):101–8.
[12] Rossana L, Siswandari S. Development of digital comics based on problem based learning in accounting learning at vocational schools in Surakarta. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science. 2019;4(6).
[13] Rina N, Suminar J, Damayani N, Hafiar H. “Character education based on digital comic media.,” p. 2020.
How to Cite
Nasrudin, D. ., Rochman, C. ., & Julianti Diningsih, I. (2024). Developing Biogas Digital Comic for Improving Renewable Energy Literacy. KnE Social Sciences, 9(8), 407–414.