Improving Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities through Think Pair Share Learning Using Autograph
There are many studies on technology-supported learning based on cooperative learning in the literature. However, little is known about Autograph-assisted think pair share learning in supporting students’ problem-solving abilities for learning in today’s technological era. This study aims to examine and analyze the differences in the improvement of students’ problem-solving abilities who participate in think pair share learning assisted by Autograph (Auto-TPS) and conventional learning assisted by Autograph (Auto-CL). This study uses quantitative methods with the design used in this study is a nonequivalent control group design involving two groups of students. The sample of this study was 70 students of class IX SMP Al Ulum Medan, Indonesia. Questions to test students’ mathematical problem-solving skills found five items. Data analysis includes data processing of test results, namely normality test, homogeneity test, hypothesis testing, and average difference test in the two groups using t-test. The conclusion of this study is that students who study with Auto-TPS get a higher increase in problem-solving abilities compared to students who learn with Auto-CL, with the explanation that the group of students who study Auto-TPS is very good when compared to the group student learning Auto-CL. Research findings related to the application of Auto-TPS can be an alternative learning model in the current technology-era learning situation.
Keywords: autograph, mathematics, problem-solving abilities, think pair share learning
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