The Online Game Design Uses Scratch, Geogebra, and Geogebra AR Through Mathematics Education Multimedia Lectures
This study aims to design online mathematics games using Scratch, Geogebra, and Geogebra AR through multimedia education mathematics courses. This study used the multimedia development life cycle. Participants in the study were 41 students (13 male and 28 female) of fifth-semester in a multimedia course in mathematics education at a university in West Java, Indonesia. The research instrument was a questionnaire through Google Forms, performance appraisal, observation, and interviews. Based on the research results it is known that Scratch, Geogebra, and Geogebra AR can be used in math game design even though previous students have not studied both, but the results are good. The author suggests that students can try out these math games at school during research or teaching practice. In addition, the authors hope that the game can be published on the internet so that it can be used by many students.
Keywords: game online, scratch, geogebra AR
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