The Sacred Language of Madurese in Serat Yusuf (Study of Oral Traditional Macapat Madura)


  • Rusliy . Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Setya Yuwana Sudikan Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Haris Supratno Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia



This research aims to find the sacred language of Madurese in serat Yusuf tembang macapat Madura. The theory used to dissect is Alan Dundes’ context theory. Therefore, this research aims to form good expressions based on the context of the tembang macapat Madura serat Yususf. This research uses qualitative ethnographic methods. The object is the oral tradition of macapat in Sumenep, known as mamaca. The Tembang/song that is read is Serat Nabbhi Yusuf. This song tells the story about the life of Prophet Yusuf and Zulaikha. The data collection techniques used were (a) observation of performance or song readings, b) recording, (c) interviews, and (d) making notes. Next, the researcher carried out data transcription and translated them into Indonesian language. The results of the research found three things that serve as a guidance of life for Madurese people as a sacred language. Those three things include (a) describes two things, namely honesty and compassion, (b) three things that must be hated; manggha’an, nespa, and ta’ andi’ panarema, and (c) three things that must be respected; respect the state (government) and religion. This research will contribute well to the growth and development of character education for the millennial generation in the current era and in the future.

Keywords: oral tradition, macapat, serat yusuf, sacred language, Madurese people


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How to Cite

., R., Sudikan, S. Y., & Supratno, H. (2024). The Sacred Language of Madurese in Serat Yusuf (Study of Oral Traditional Macapat Madura). KnE Social Sciences, 9(9), 186–196.