The Diglossic-Bilingual of English-Arabic Second-Language Eventualities in Madurese-Scholar's Society


  • Shofiyatul Hasanah English Education Department, Faculty of Educational & Scientific & Teaching, Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Hanan . Intensive Program at the Centre of Language Studies, Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Parahita Pradipta English Language Educator and Inter-Sociocultural Analyst, Independent Educator and Researcher, Indonesia



This extensive new-study scrutinized English-Arabic diglossic-bilingual of Second Language (L2) eventualities in which Madurese-scholars society was administered in the L2 edification process. Diglossic-bilingual is the utilization of two accents of two distinctive languages by the same culture for distinct purposes. The study administered a quantitative-qualitative mixed approach that interleaved systematic conceptions of recorded methodologies and substantive explication of the accurately transcribed dossier to effectuate this requirement. The probed dossier exhibited that diglossic-bilingual was identified in the Madurese-Scholar’s L2 in several varieties; English-L2 with Arabic-accented, Arabic-L2 with English-accented, and English- Arabic-L2 with Madurese-accented. Nevertheless, three novelty variations were ascertained comprehensively in the Madurese-scholar’s L2, their L2-utilization deviated based on the Madurese-Scholar’s L2 dexterity. The study imparts guidelines for forthcoming researchers in remembrance of English-Arabic-L2 bilingual educators future ethnographic research.

Keywords: native-language (NL), second language (L2), English-accented, Arabicaccented, Madurese-accented


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How to Cite

Hasanah, S., ., H., & Pradipta, P. . (2024). The Diglossic-Bilingual of English-Arabic Second-Language Eventualities in Madurese-Scholar’s Society. KnE Social Sciences, 9(9), 197–223.