CEFR-based Model of Indonesian Grammar Teaching Materials for Foreign Students


  • Liliana Muliastuti Faculty of Languages and Arts, Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia




Law No. 24/2009 mandates the internationalization of the Indonesian language that is in line with the increase in the learning of the Indonesian language for foreign speakers. The number and location of Indonesian speakers are increasing and expanding in various parts of the world. However, the existing teaching materials are not optimal in supporting BIPA teaching, especially in the aspect of grammar—the most difficult language component for foreign students to learn. Thus, it is imperative to develop a model of Indonesian grammar teaching materials based on the current curriculum that refers to CEFR. This research focuses on the development of an Indonesian grammar teaching material model for A1-level BIPA students. The development design employed is an adaptation of the R&D design by Borg and Gall, which consists of several phases, such as (1) model development, (2) model evaluation, and (3) production and dissemination. This initial research constitutes a model development phase that includes (a) needs analysis, (b) needs identification based on the existing Indonesian grammar teaching materials and studies on the document of CEFR-based BIPA Graduate Competence Standard, and (c) compiling Indonesian grammar teaching materials. This preliminary research results in the mapping and drafting the initial product of the model of Indonesian grammar teaching materials for students at the A1 level.

Keywords: teaching material model, Indonesian grammar, BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers), CEFR


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How to Cite

Muliastuti, L. . (2024). CEFR-based Model of Indonesian Grammar Teaching Materials for Foreign Students. KnE Social Sciences, 9(9). https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i9.15676