Understanding the Technological-Organizational-Environmental Concepts on SMEs' Performance in Emerging Market
This research focuses on integrating digital platforms in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), emphasizing the importance of efficient stakeholder communication for their success. Additional scholarly investigation is required to examine the correlation between SME success and social media adoption, with a focus on emerging countries. This study examines how technology-organizational-environmental (TOE) factors affect digital social communication and SME success in developing nations. Through employing the TOE framework, this study attempts to explain the determinants of social media adoption and its subsequent effect on the performance of SMEs. Data will be gathered through the utilization of a well-organized questionnaire disseminated online to a randomly selected group of participants from SMEs in Indonesia. Partial-leastsquares- structural-equation-modeling will be employed to conduct the route analysis, with the involvement of SME owners, executives, and managers. Furthermore, the study will evaluate how social media influences the connection between TOE qualities and SME performance. The findings will demonstrate a clear and favorable correlation between the TOE components, and the interaction between SME performance and social media adoption. This research will enhance the existing body of knowledge in this domain by offering valuable insights for professionals and scholars interested in the use of social media in SMEs.
Keywords: digital social communication, SME, TOE
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