The Disruptive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education: The Literature Review and Current Practices
Entrepreneurship education is changing dramatically due to rapid technological advancements and transformative business models. This study investigates the interactions and implications of existing frameworks and practices that link disruptive innovation with entrepreneurship education. The research employs a comprehensive literature review from 2019 to 2023, to synthesize detailed analyses for investigating the interplay of these concepts. Entrepreneurship education fosters the ability to recognize and capitalize on innovative opportunities, whereas disruptive innovation emphasizes value creation through norm-breaking when aligned with entrepreneurial principles. Effective entrepreneurship education can drive new businesses and revitalize existing ones by enabling individuals to capitalize on disruptive breakthroughs. However, incorporating disruptive innovation into courses is challenging. Traditional education may fail to capture the dynamic nature of disruptive innovation, and risk-averse academic environments may stifle experimentation. Innovative teaching methods that balance basic business concepts with disruptive thinking are essential. Finally, a new generation of entrepreneurs can be developed by combining disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship education. Individuals can capitalize on opportunities for economic growth by infusing programmers with disruptive principles. The study identifies five key components of convergence: (i) technology-enabled virtual learning environments (VLEs), (ii) online distance learning (ODL), (iii) digitalization in entrepreneurship education, (iv) competency-based education (CBE) that fosters Business Model Innovation, and (v) experience-based learning in entrepreneurial education. This paper examines the role of disruptive innovation in entrepreneurial education, proposing research directions and highlighting unresolved areas for investigation.
Keywords: business model, disruptive innovation, entrepreneurship education, technology, online distance learning
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