Predicting Consumers' Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Green Practices and Perceived Ecological Image of a Green Restaurant


  • Anni Rahimah Department of Business Administration, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Eliana Sandy Yuliaji Department of Business Administration, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia



The increasing awareness of environmental concerns and the demand for sustainable practices have sparked the adoption of green initiatives across various industries, including the restaurant sector. As consumers become more conscious of their ecological impact, there is a growing interest in comprehending how these green practices influence customers’ ecological behavior. This study focuses on investigating the relationship between green practices implemented by restaurants, perceived ecological image, and customers’ ecological behavior, with a particular emphasis on the case of KFC Malang Town Square. By examining the potential mediating role of attitude, the research sheds light on the underlying mechanisms driving pro-environmental behavior. Through the distribution of questionnaires to 100 KFC Malang Town Square consumers and subsequent analysis using structural equation modeling, the study confirms that green practices positively impact perceived ecological image, which affects customers’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward the environment. These findings hold practical implications for promoting sustainability in the restaurant industry and offer valuable insights for future research in fostering pro-environmental practices. Moreover, this research contributes to the literature by exploring the interplay between green practices, perceived ecological image, attitude, and ecological behavioral intention within the unique context of the restaurant industry, with a focus on the specific setting of KFC Malang Town Square and the examination of attitude as a mediating factor.

Keywords: theory of green purchasing behavior, recycling, energy-saving, organic menus, eco-friendly cutlery and packaging


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How to Cite

Rahimah, A., & Yuliaji, E. S. (2024). Predicting Consumers’ Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Green Practices and Perceived Ecological Image of a Green Restaurant. KnE Social Sciences, 9(13), 115–140.