Paradigm and Transformation of Da'wah as Social Capital from Mohammad Natsir's Perspective




In an attempt to analyze the idea of preaching, Moh. Natsir uses the theory of social change, a descriptive analysis method for the studies, and the da’wah model. Moh. Natsir used oral, written, and action da’wah strategies, which was the highest form of domination in Natsir’s da’wah. The author argues that such a da’wah strategy will create social change in the form of socio-religious, interaction, and even bureaucratic environments. Moh. Natsir also initiated this strategic da’wah in three spheres, namely: mosques, Islamic boarding schools, and campuses which are places for very complex social interactions and can legitimize his ideas. A great commitment to this effort is a real act of an actual da’wah activity because it can change social life with its actions. Da’wah carried out with “bi al-hikmah” (with wisdom) is a method or tactic of da’wah that is needed to deal with various social problems that exist in society.

Keywords: transformation of Da’wah, social capital, Mohammad Natsir’s


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How to Cite

Setiawati, R. ., & Hidayat, R. . (2024). Paradigm and Transformation of Da’wah as Social Capital from Mohammad Natsir’s Perspective. KnE Social Sciences, 9(12), 56–71.