Role of Interpersonal Communication Using Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study on Improving Communication Quality in Library
This study aims to explore the role of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI) in improving the quality of interpersonal communication in an online learning environment. The case study was conducted on an online learning platform that provides chat features and an AI chatbot. The study used a mixed method, with data collected through surveys and structured interviews of 30 online course participants. The results showed that using ChatGPT and AI in interpersonal communication can improve the quality of communication between course participants. In addition, course participants found it more convenient and easier to communicate with an AI chatbot than with fellow course participants. These findings suggest that ChatGPT and AI can be effective tools for improving the quality of interpersonal communication in an online learning environment, especially when interacting with strangers or in less comfortable situations. This study provides insight into how technology can be harnessed to improve social interaction in an educational context.
Keywords: interpersonal communication, ChatGPT, AI
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