A Literature Review: Unraveling the Dimensions of Food Quality and Its Influence on Consumer Satisfaction
This research examines food quality dimensions and their impact on customer satisfaction, a topic often seen through a Western lens. By delving into menu variety, taste, presentation, temperature, and freshness, we provide a comprehensive review of food quality aspects. Notably, this study emphasizes on the Asian perspectives, by broadening the understanding beyond Western viewpoints. The methodology comprises a review of literature, spanning a range of scholarly articles and research journals, delving into the discourse of food quality and customer satisfaction. Our findings highlight the significance of diverse menus, sensory taste attributes, and aesthetic presentation in shaping consumer expectations. Furthermore, the importance of food temperature and freshness in determining satisfaction is emphasized. This research crucially blends varied cultural insights with universal food standards, promoting a nuanced approach in the global food industry to optimize customer contentment.
Keywords: food quality, consumer satisfaction, dimensions of food quality
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