Analysis of the Effect of E-Recovery Service Quality and E-Service Quality on E-Customer Satisfaction and E-Customer Royalty


  • Erika Putri Indrawati Business Administration of Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Edy Yulianto Business Administration of Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Yusri Abdillah Business Administration of Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia



The impact of today’s electronic commerce has changed people’s mindset in ordering, buying, and paying for products in an easier and more affordable form. To find a high sense of satisfaction and loyalty from customers to continue using e-commerce as a personal or profitable group service and its performance is getting faster and easier and has a loyal customer base, indirectly contributing to e-commerce companies. This study uses a literature review to later be able to provide a lot of analysis from previous studies. The first step in gathering secondary data is to conduct a literature study, which includes reading, making notes, and processing information found in the literature search results. The characteristics that are related to each other are derived from prior research on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the e-commerce industry, specifically: 1. E-Service Quality (X1), 2. E-Recovery Service Quality (X2), 3. E-Customer Satisfaction (Y1), 4. E-Customer Loyalty (Y2). With the increase in internet users, the shift in people’s purchasing culture from offline to online has increased in business opportunities in the e-commerce sector. Constant innovation by retail companies and the competition among traders is seen to be growing.

Keywords: e-service quality, e-recovery service quality, e-customer royalty, e-customer satisfaction


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How to Cite

Indrawati, E. P., Yulianto, E., & Abdillah, Y. (2024). Analysis of the Effect of E-Recovery Service Quality and E-Service Quality on E-Customer Satisfaction and E-Customer Royalty. KnE Social Sciences, 9(13), 488–496.