The Use of UIN Raden Fatah's E-Library Application Reviewed from Total Quality Management (TQM)
This research is motivated by an interesting phenomenon of changing times marked by the mushrooming use of information technology that makes the Library able to provide all services quickly, precisely, accurately, anytime, and anywhere. And, in real-time these services can be utilized by users, namely the use of e-library applications applied at the UIN Raden Fatah Library is very interesting to be researched. This research is quantitative, and data were collected by using applications from the Library Science students of class 2020. To see the use of the application, researchers use the theory of total quality management (TQM) which is reviewed through 4 principles, namely the principles of user satisfaction, respect for users, management in line with facts, and continuous improvement. Of the four principles, the survey results are above the average of 50%, meaning that each indicator in each principle has good service quality such as a comfortable application interface, user-friendly application use, good and satisfactory e-library service quality, adequate collection, and can meet user needs. Library efforts that continuously add to existing collections in the e-library application are updated to the latest version. There is a huge need to socialize the use of the application and promotional activities for the application to continue to be carried out. The research data shows that the survey results 75% on average, have gone well. Based on the results of this simple research, all principles in TQM have achieved excellent scores, this is shown by the average acquisition of survey numbers above 50%.
Keywords: e-library, total quality management
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