Handwriting Habituation in Gen-Z Literacy Improvement with Brainwriting Method
Generation Z is coming of age in the digital era where computer technology and mobile devices have become very common. They are accustomed to computer keyboards and touchscreens rather than pens and paper. The ability to write on digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops has replaced much of the need for writing by hand. However, handwriting is a fundamental skill in literacy upgrades. This descriptive qualitative research explores how efforts to handwriting habituate Gen Z in enhancing literacy using the brainwriting method. The retrieval data methods used are observation, interviews, and literature analysis involving student samples with specific criteria. The study’s results indicate several factors of the respondents who infrequently write by hand, the exploration of the use of the brainwriting method, and its impact on the success of literacy among them. The outputs such as enhanced critical thinking, creativity, and communication that is not unilaterally dominated.
Keywords: Gen Z, handwriting, brainwriting, literacy
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