The Naqsabandiyah Khalidiyah Order: Syaikh Imam Manaqib's Role in Sufi Preaching in Adiluwih, Pringsewu 1960-1988
This study examines the Sufi teachings of Sheikh Imam Manaqib, with a focus on his role in spreading the Naqshbandiyya Khalidiyya Sufi order in Adiluwih and its surrounding areas. Sheikh Imam Manaqib, originally from East Java, migrated to Lampung in the 1950s and chose Adiluwih as his place of residence. This study employs a historical research approach with a social perspective. The author utilizes the Great Man Theory as an analytical tool. The results revealed that Sheikh Imam Manaqib played a significant role in his Sufi mission by dedicating himself to disseminating knowledge and seeking spiritual enlightenment. Sheikh Imam Manaqib developed a profound understanding of Sufism through formal and informal education in East Java, especially at the Islamic boarding school Mambaul Hikam. His teachings encompassed various subjects, ranging from the fundamentals of Sufism to the practical implementation of the doctrines of the Naqshbandiyya Khalidiyya order. Additionally, unique practices such as “Turu Mayit” were taught to seekers as part of their spiritual development. Sheikh Imam Manaqib’s efforts in teaching the Naqshbandiyya Khalidiyya order resulted in the rapid formation of a thriving community, officially recognized by the Central Lampung Regent in 1988. His legacy continues to have an impact to this day, influencing spiritual seekers from various age groups and backgrounds. This research provides insights into Sheikh Imam Manaqib’s distinctive approach to teaching the Sufi order and underscores the enduring influence of his teachings on the Lampung community.
Keywords: Sufi Order, Sufism, Naqshbandiyyah Khalidiyah, Sheikh Imam Manaqib, Sufi Preaching
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