The Role of KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin in Developing Islamic Education
This research is dedicated to KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin in developing Islamic education at the Ushuluddin Integrated Islamic Boarding School. KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin has been the Head of Ushuluddin Integrated Islamic Boarding School since 2001. He was instrumental in developing Islamic education in the intermediary of South Lampung Regency. This study describes the history of KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin developed Islamic education in the integrated Islamic boarding school Ushuluddin. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin in developing the Islamic education at the Ushuluddin Integrated Islamic Boarding School. This research uses qualitative methods with a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study reveal several things. First, it was found that KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin is very firm, friendly, responsible, disciplined, and should be followed byeveryone. Second, the educational development process at the Ushuluddin Integrated Islamic Boarding School is carried out through various methods, such as setting examples, habituating certain behaviors, providing advice and motivation, conducting supervision, setting prohibitions and regulations, and implementing punitive measures. Finally, the leadership role of KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin is summarized in Panca Tausiyah Mudir.
Keywords: Islamic education development, Islamic boarding school, KH. Ahmad Rafiq Udin
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[4] Interview with teacher Ust. Yusuf, teacher occupation Pesantren Ushuluddin, January 19, 2023, at 17:00 WIB
[5] Interview with teacher Ust. Didik Darmadi, teacher occupation Pesantren Ushuluddin, January 19, 2023, at 17:00 WIB
[6] Interview with teacher Ust. Reki Kurniadi, teacher occupation Pesantren Ushuluddin, January 28, 2023, at 10:00 WIB