The Total Archives Theory for Building Collective Memory and Cultural Identity in Archive Management at the Archives Unit of Lampung University




This article discusses the potential application of the total archives theory in the context of building collective memory and cultural identity at the Archives Management Unit (UPT Kearsipan) of Lampung University. The preservation and management of archives play a crucial role in preserving the history and culture of an educational institution, especially a university. This research aims to identify the challenges and opportunities faced by the Archives Management Unit of Lampung University in an effort to build collective memory and campus cultural identity. By applying the total archives theory approach, this study seeks ways to enhance a more holistic archive management approach involving all stakeholders and maximizing the use of technology in the process. The research methodology involves document analysis, interviews with UPT Kearsipan staff, and surveys of archive users. The results of the research indicate that the application of the total archives theory holds great potential in building collective memory and cultural identity at Lampung University. By leveraging technology, UPT Kearsipan can be more effective in managing, accessing, and documenting the archives, thus enabling broader access for stakeholders to explore the history and culture of the campus.

Keywords: collective memory, total archives theory, UPT Kearsipan Universitas Lampung


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How to Cite

Putra, P. ., Purnamayanti, A. ., & Maryani, E. . (2024). The Total Archives Theory for Building Collective Memory and Cultural Identity in Archive Management at the Archives Unit of Lampung University. KnE Social Sciences, 9(12), 374–391.