Application of a Gender Responsive Approach in Building a Critical Literacy Culture in the Digital Age


  • Mira Martania Islamic State University of Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Bukhari Muslim Islamic State University of Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Nadirsah Hawari Islamic State University of Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Efa Rodiah Islamic State University of Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia



In an increasingly digital era, access to information and digital media has become an important part of everyday life. Developments in the field of communication and technology information have open doors for interacting with media and accessing various source information quickly and easy. In everyday life, gender consideration is important to ensure inclusion, equality, understanding critical issues in the society, gender sensitivity, and its relevance in coping with gender inequality in digital literacy. In this research, qualitative approach is used and participants are individuals from various backgrounds. actively usingdigital media and have information literacy. Thematic approach is used to analyze the collected data. Gender sensitive approach is used to build culture understanding which is critical in the digital era and is a strategic step to overcome complex challenges that appear along with the development of technology. The method described covers gender analysis, education, development curriculum, and gender sensitive content production. However application method also found this as a problem like uneven accessibility, and there aretechnical challenges also. This study aims to increase awareness regarding gender sensitivity in digital literacy, to influence the societyto work the same cause for gender conscious in the digital era. With the use of this method we can create an environment where people from all gender types can develop skills, participate in various digital media, and can face challenges that arise in the digital era.

Keywords: literacy , digital era, gender, society


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How to Cite

Martania, M. ., Bukhari Muslim, A. ., Hawari, N. ., & Rodiah, E. . (2024). Application of a Gender Responsive Approach in Building a Critical Literacy Culture in the Digital Age. KnE Social Sciences, 9(12), 405–421.