Collaboration of Library Ambassadors and Librarians Towards Excellent Service at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta Library




A sound library is a library that can accommodate the needs of users quickly, precisely, and accurately. To meet good library standards, supporting human resources is also needed to carry out various functions and roles of the library. Therefore, this article describes the UMS library ambassador program as a collaboration strategy between students and librarians towards excellent service. The research method used in this article is a qualitative method with a documentation and literature study approach. Data is obtained through the collection of documentation for the implementation of the UMS library ambassador program and literature available physically and electronically. Furthermore, the collected data is analyzed and processed to be presented as descriptive descriptions. Based on field documentation studies, the presence of library ambassadors is beneficial for library services in various lines. Library ambassadors are quickly able to represent librarians in providing comprehensive and excellent services so that users are greatly helped in meeting their needs. Library ambassadors are a solution and a new paradigm agent of change where students become literacy promoters to the academic community in their environment.

Keywords: library ambassador, excellent service, library


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How to Cite

., S., & Yusuf Setiawan, M. . (2024). Collaboration of Library Ambassadors and Librarians Towards Excellent Service at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta Library. KnE Social Sciences, 9(12), 437–449.