Management of Library Testing Electronic Digitalization in MAN Lampung
This research aims to learn about library management towards electronics digitalization in MAN Lampung which covers aspects of planning, organization, implementation, and supervision. It also aims to understand the obstacles that arise in the process of library management in the MAN Province of Lampung, and to know the efforts made to overcome the obstacle that arises in the management of libraries towards e-digitalization in MAN Lampung. The approach used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The subjects of the study are the head of the madrasah, library officers, teachers, and students. The results of the research, that the management of the library of MAN Lampung did, includes: (1) planning for the procurement of books every year. (2) organization of the library of MAN Lampung I is in the Wakamad humans, MAN Lampung II is under the Wakamad curriculum, and Man Lampung III is under the head of the madrasah (3) implementation includes the provision, processing, service, and construction (4) supervision was carried out by the head of the Madrasah. The obstacles were related to a lack of library facilities and student lacking reading interest. Efforts are being made to add to the reading space and to give students a duty in the library.
Keywords: library management, E-digitalization
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