The Impact of History on Literacy Culture in Indonesian Education During Society 5.0
This study investigates the significant influence of history on the development of a strong literacy culture within the Indonesian education system, particularly in the setting of Society 5.0. The relationship between historical knowledge and literacy development is investigated through literature research, demonstrating how history plays an important role in cultivating critical thinking abilities, generating empathy, and nurturing cultural understanding. The integration of history into literacy education is studied by merging multiple research found in journal articles, books, scientific papers, and so on, emphasizing the importance of educational components, teacher training, and collaborative efforts among educators, historians, and literacy experts. This particular study also discusses the challenges and opportunities that arise in this endeavor, while underscoring the long-term benefits of integrating history and literacy education within the era of Society 5.0. Finally, this study emphasizes the importance of embracing history in developing a strong literacy culture that empowers Indonesian students in an ever-changing educational setting.
Keywords: history, literacy culture, society 5.0
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