Information Literacy Empowerment in Islamic Education: Examining the Potential in the Indonesian Context
Information literacy plays a critical role in empowering individuals within the realm of Islamic education. This study explores the empowerment potential of information literacy in the Indonesian context of Islamic education. As the world’s largest Muslimmajority country, Indonesia provides a unique setting to investigate the intersection of information literacy and Islamic education. The study aims to examine the impact of information literacy on knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and ethical engagement within Islamic education in Indonesia. It also identifies challenges, opportunities, and best practices for integrating information literacy in Indonesian Islamic educational institutions. Through a literature review and qualitative analysis, the study sheds light on the role of information literacy in strengthening Islamic education and highlights the specific cultural, social, and technological factors influencing information literacy practices in Indonesia. The findings contribute to a better understanding of information literacy’s significance in the Indonesian context of Islamic education and provide practical insights for educators and policymakers to enhance information literacy programs. This research underscores the importance of information literacy in empowering individuals within Islamic education and emphasizes the need for context-specific approaches to maximize its potential in the Indonesian educational landscape.
Keywords: empowerment, information literacy, Islamic education
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