Optimization Of The Use Of Open Library Applications In Supporting Information Resources At Telkom University Bandung Library


  • Rahmad Rizky Pratama Raden Fatah State Islamic University
  • Misroni . Raden Fatah State Islamic University




Today’s technology is growing rapidly, considering quality and quantity, this case explains the role of the library. Libraries must be able to adjust to the needs of users quickly and effectively, therefore libraries are required to be at least dexterous in using technology. In terms of digital literacy, librarians must be able to understand and use various sources of information and digital media to meet the needs of people’s lives. The development of an “Open Library “ can be based on how to develop library-based information technology to continue to improve library services, collections, and databases. Open Library is a facility that can be used by the academic community of Telkom University and the general public. Therefore, this study is based on the optimization of the use of the Open Library Application Telkom University of Bandung, and in this case study was conducted directly in the library to see the extent to which this application is used optimally and used several ways of collecting data. One of them interviews with sources in the library.

Keywords: library, technology, librarian, digital


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How to Cite

Rizky Pratama, R. ., & ., M. (2024). Optimization Of The Use Of Open Library Applications In Supporting Information Resources At Telkom University Bandung Library. KnE Social Sciences, 9(12), 579–590. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i12.15882