Dynamics of Changes in Literacy Culture in the Social Media Era: Comparative Study of the Millennial Generation and Generation Z





This study aims to analyze the dynamics of changes in literacy culture in the social media era with a focus on millennials and generation Z. The presence of social media has changed the way individuals access, process and share information. A comparative study method was used to compare the influence of social media on literacy culture between millennials and generation Z. Data was collected through structured surveys and interviews involving participants from both generations. The variables observed included reading frequency, types of literature consumed, sources of information used, and patterns of sharing information through social media. The results of the study show that there is a significant difference between the millennial generation and generation Z in terms of the influence of social media on literacy culture. Millennials tend to read digital content more often and use social media as the main source of information. Meanwhile, generation Z tends to be more active in sharing information through social media and using special social media platforms to expand their literacy reach.

Keywords: social media, millennial generation, generation Z, literacy culture


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How to Cite

Salman Farid, A. . (2024). Dynamics of Changes in Literacy Culture in the Social Media Era: Comparative Study of the Millennial Generation and Generation Z. KnE Social Sciences, 9(12), 627–643. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i12.15885