The Improvement of Students' Information Literacy Through the Remap-TTW Learning Model
Information literacy is an essential skill in the 21st century. This skill is required for students to find, select, evaluate, and use information they have gathered effectively. The implementation of a specific learning model aids students in developing their information literacy. One of the learning models expected to enhance students’ information literacy is the Reading Concept Mapping-Think, Talk, Write (Remap-TTW). This study aimed to discover the effects of the Remap-TTW learning model on students’ information literacy. This quasi-experiment study used a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The study was carried out in the State Senior High School 1 Kencong, Jember, Indonesia, in the even semester of 2021/2022. The test instrument was in the form of an essay test. Students’ information literacy was measured using numerous indicators: determining the extent of information needed, accessing the needed information, evaluating information and its sources critically, using information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose, and accessing and using information ethically and legally. The scores were analyzed using the normality and homogeneity test, followed by One-Way ANCOVA. The analysis results showed a significance value of 0.000 (P-value < 0.05), signifying different information literacy between students attending learning with three different learning models. The obtained scores were considered significant, indicating that the learning model significantly influences students’ information literacy. Thus, Remap-TTW can be used as an alternative learning model to improve students’ information literacy.
Keywords: improvement, students, information literacy, remap-TTW, learning
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